The Stash Monkey Chronicles: Insights and Stories

The Stash Monkey Chronicles: Insights and Stories from the World of High-Design Consumer Storage Solutions

Best Cannabis Storage Solution: Discover How To Secure Stash

Navigating the cannabis world requires attention to detail, especially when it comes to storing your stash. At Stash Monkey, we’re proud to offer top-tier storage solutions that not only keep your cannabis safe and fresh but also lead the market. Our flagship product recently received the highest rating in The New York Times’ Wirecutter review…

Safety of Weight Loss Autoinjectors Like Wegovy™

Addressing the elephant in the room when it comes to weight loss treatments Welcome back to the StashMonkey blog, where we unearth the less talked-about yet crucial aspects of health and wellness. Today, we’re addressing what can only be described as the elephant in the room when it comes to weight loss treatments—specifically, the use…

Ensuring a Safe Space: Navigating Cannabis and Parenting

Ensuring a Safe Space: Navigating Cannabis and Parenting Welcome to, your go-to hub for navigating the often tricky waters of cannabis use while managing the responsibilities of parenting. Today, we’re delving into a topic that’s vital for any parent who partakes: ensuring safety in the home. Understanding the Landscape First things first, it’s crucial…

The Importance of Secure Locking Storage for Medications: A Comprehensive Approach with Stash Monkey

Protecting Your Loved Ones from Accidental Consumption, Regardless of State Borders IntroductionIn today’s fast-paced world, it’s crucial to prioritize the safety and security of our households, especially when it comes to medications. Whether you have prescribed opioids, natural remedies, or essential over-the-counter drugs, ensuring proper storage is essential to prevent accidental consumption. That’s where Stash…

Promoting Secure Medication Storage: Protecting Our Loved Ones from Accidents

I recently came across a heartbreaking story about a mother in Virginia who pleaded guilty Monday to involuntary manslaughter in the death of her 4-year-old son, who consumed a fatal amount of marijuana-infused gummies last year. This unfortunate incident reminded me of the importance of securely storing anything manufactured or natural/that can be dangerous to kids, for…

Redefining Child-Resistant Packaging: Striking the Balance between Safety and Accessibility

The pharmaceutical industry is constantly evolving to ensure the safety and well-being of consumers. One critical aspect of this is packaging, particularly when it comes to child-resistant solutions. While the demand for child-resistant packaging has significantly improved over the years, it is essential to strike a delicate balance between safety and accessibility. In this article,…

Stash Monkey: Going Beyond Labels – Because Labels Aren’t Enough When You Can’t Read

Accidental ingestion of medications by children continues to be a concerning issue that demands effective solutions. While labels and warnings play a crucial role in preventing accidents, their efficacy diminishes when children can read, usually until the age of five. To address this critical gap in child safety, Stash Monkey has developed an exceptional locking…

Got Them Lock Them: The Movement for Responsible Medication Storage

Accidental ingestion of medications and other harmful items is a leading cause of child poisoning deaths in the United States. According to a recent study, opioids are the leading cause of child poisoning deaths, accounting for 72% of fatal ingestions in children under the age of six. The packaging of many medications and natural remedies…

How to protect Your Children from Poisoning with Stash Monkey’s Locking Storage Solution

According to a recent article in Publicist Paper, “ER or Pediatrician for My Child: To Panic or Not to Panic?”, accidental poisoning is one of the leading causes of injury and death among children in the United States. From household cleaning products to prescription medication, there are many potential hazards lurking in our homes that…